Help center and FAQ
For General Users
Why anonymous hosts ?
The basic reason according to my experience is that you get best offers by using this process.
How to search for a property ?
From the home page, you have to enter the location (city, state, country), the check-in and check-out date and the quantity corresponding to your search. You can precise if you with if these are pallets or square meters.
You also have some quick links to some destinations.
You get then in the detail search page, where you have at disposal more filters and where you can also navigate in the map to explore surroundings.
There are no properties corresponding to my search in the location I search , what can i do ?
This is actually depending on the development plan of the company. We are more than happy to collect your needs in order to reference new properties in your area of interests. Please send an email at [email protected] for these inquires
Can I have access to the standard contract or additional documents from the provider of the property ?
Once the provider confirmed your reservation, additional documents can be viewed when you go on the property page. Usually the provider will put here his standard terms and conditions. You can send him messages to get more information if you need.
My needs are specifics can I contact the provider to check some issues ?
Yes you can. However, in order to do so you should send a booking request and then exchange messages with him. You can cancel your request if it doesn't suits your needs.
What about taking the handling price into account when selecting a property ?
We recommend to the hosts to put in the property listings price ranges for full pallets inbound and outbound, so you can get an idea of there pricing when you make your selection.
You will usually have access to the handling prices once the provider has accepted your request under the additional documents available under the main property page.
The handling price will be finalized when you sign the contract with the provider.
How long the Space Provider has to confirm my reservation ?
To keep the process running, he has 48 hours to do so.
When my reservation will be registered ?
The reservation is registered once you have make the payment of TempoDepot fee.
As long as the payment is not made, the reservation can become void if another general user books and pay our fee and when for instance the maximum capacity of the property is reached.
When my reservation will become effective ?
You have agreed on the price, location, dates of the service through our service and the space is reserved.
Nevertheless you have in most of the cases you have to sign a service contract with the provider. We strongly recommend you to sign as soon as possible the contract between you (General User) and the Space Provider in order to ensure all aspects of the transaction have been covered (handling prices, others costs, general terms and conditions of the provider....). So you can focus on other areas of your business.
Please note that as long as this document is not signed, the transaction is pending and the provider responsibility is not engaged.
Can I physically visit the property ?
I guess everyone knew this one was coming.
In order to address all cases we have taken the option of keeping a range of broad possibilities. Putting at disposal bookings without visits where you can be satisfied with pictures and description, but also the possibility to visit the property.
Once the host has accepted your reservation, you can see his details and organize a visit with him. We have taken the option to support and quicken the transaction so you have 5 days to complete the reservation and pay the TempoDepot reservation. Once this delay is over, the reservation will drop.
You can of course make a new one, hopefully no one blocks the space in between.
Can I cancel my booking ?
You can cancel your booking anytime before you realize the payment.
What about the language and the currency ?
We start with English language for convenience reasons.
To be the most transparent, the currency is the currency where the property is located.
For Space Providers
Why being anonymous ?
The basic reason according to my experience is that you give best offers by using this process.
On top there are additional benefits for Space providers who doesn't like competition doing what they do ... does it ring any bell ?
Keep this in mind when filling your profile and pictures !
Can I refuse a booking ?
Yes you can decline any customer request.
Can I make a special offer to a customer ?
Yes you can customize the pricing when you accept the offer.
In this case when you answer to the customer request in your inbox please select "Send Offer" instead of " Allow the user to book"
What are the steps to publish a property ?
You have to enter all the property details which are requested when you click on "List your Space".
You have to indicate if you are a "service provider" typically a professionnal offering warehousing services like a freight forwarder, a logistics or trucking companies, a company with storage space you wish to commercialize ("Industrial provider" ) or a "private owner".
You then have to indicate the type (pallets or square meters), the quantity (dimension), and the closest city where you operate
Steps to enter details of a property:
How to input the calendar ?
No special inputs are required here if you plan to have all dates fully available
If you have a temporary booked space here you can manage it. This will for instance apply if you plan to rent 200 square meters but for the coming 30 days you have 50 square meters already occupied.
Please then refer to the calendar management hereunder in the property management FAQ.
Why have I to put a daily price ?
We want to offer short term warehousing as well therefore we need to enter the price at the daily level. You can also indicate weekly and monthly prices.
What to put in the overview of the property ?
You should be use with real estate advertisement. Here you should put what will catch the customer eye. Typically you can enter from where the property is accessible (example: "1 km from the highway")
What kind of pictures can be uploaded ?
You can upload jpeg pictures.
You have also the possibility to put short videos and 360 degree pictures.
Contact us for further enquires .
What kind of documents can be uploaded ? When are they available to the user ?
You can upload one PDF document.
These documents are only visible to the user once you have accepted there booking. So you don't need to anonymize the documents.
Therefore we recommend putting here a document bundle where you indicate your general conditions, your tariffs (storage is a must but we recommend a classical package with handling and standard services).
You can as well decide to put insurances or further documentation you may find useful.
The clearer it is for user, the quicker you will achieve the transaction.
Should I fill all the information or field of Amenities and Listing menu ?
The more you fill the information the better it is.
We remain at your disposal for any questions or input.
Should I fill information on handling costs and cost for extra space ?
As we all know handling is an important component in the user choice, therefore we recommend to you to indicate rates for full inbound and outbound pallets, as well as the price for extra space. Doing so the user will be able to refine his request and the chance to close the transaction are higher.
There are some fields already ready in the Listing section, please put the currency as well.
What if some attributes are missing ?
Please contact us so we can gather requests and make time to time adaptations.
How to check the location was correctly entered ?
You should see your location updated on the map.
What to put in cancellation policy ?
Please put "According to contract" as this depends on your own conditions.
Under it there are some fields where you can enter key words to enhance property search if you wish.
Is it possible to contact you for supporting to publish the property ?
We are always happy to support you and also offer other services like for instance like 360° pictures.
Steps to manage a property :
How to manage my calendar ?
In the calendar you see which quantity remains available for each day.
The purpose here is mainly to manage bookings which are done outside the platform (even if of course we would prefer you use our services...)
You have the possibility to register a booking made by another channel (let's say a sales person), by clicking two dates , indicating "unavailable" and the quantity which will be spared.
These quantities are not managed through the plateform, so you will loose the tracking. If you make an extract of the calendar they will all appear in the category "unavailable".
Can I see my calendar once my subscription has expired ?
Yes so you can still see the existing bookings.
How do I make the link with my operations or my WMS ?
We give the possibility to export the day per day bookings in . csv format.
You can find this button in the calendar management : (Your) properties -> Manage properties -> select corresponding property "Manage Listing and Calendar" -> Calendar
What if I want to list pallets and bulk space in the same property ?
At this stage you have to make another properties, and we suggest you identify the names clearly.
To go quicker, you can duplicate the first and change only the dimension.
What if I want to extend the space available ?
In order to keep consistency in the booking and the database you can either create another property with a clear identification corresponding to the new quantity at disposal.
Please contact us at [email protected] for further assistance.
What should I do if I have different cells or places in my warehouse available ?
TempoDepot operates as a commercial platform to publish your space and services. It doesn't replace your internal warehouse operations and systems, so you can perfectly put all volumes together as long it is the same unit space (pallets or square meters).
You avoid to manage multiple properties and you spare some fees doing so.
For clarity reasons you can as well separate the space at disposal in different properties with different names.
The Support Team